Who are we?
I am Barnabás Szilágyi, the proud owner of Sámson Boerboels kennel, living in Hajdúsámson, Hungary. Sámson Boerboels kennel was established in 2023, officially registered with the South African SAABS organization. Looking back: since my childhood, I have been fond of animals, cherishing every living being and plant, yet it is the dog that has accompanied me for 48 years, to my great joy. As a schoolboy living in a suburban garden house, I walked to school, and it was rare for a dog not to join me on my way. Somehow, I attracted them, and they me. At the age of 10, I got my first purebred dog from my father, a true Hungarian treasure, a female Komondor. I explored nearby places to find a worthy mate for my dog, and the first litter of 7 puppies was born. I wanted to keep all of them, but with a heavy heart, I parted with them, ensuring they found caring owners. Later, the Molosser-type dogs, especially the Mastino Napoletano and Cane Corso, stole my heart. I consider myself lucky to have had such wonderful dogs that stood their ground in dog shows. My son Barnus and I started breeding more seriously, breeding American Bullies for several years. The turning point came in 2019 when I saw these noble and imposing dogs in a photo, leading me to discover the Boerboel breed. It took four years for my dream to come true, buying dogs from my chosen South African kennels. I'm grateful to La Boela Kennel for our three dogs: La Boela Moscow, our breeding male; La Boela Daisy, a wonderful female; and La Boela Daenerys, a unique black female. Thanks also to Elevation Stud Kennel, where I bought another fantastic dog, Elevation Stud Ruby. Finally, gratitude to Middelpos Kennel for our hopeful boy, Middelpos Gift. All my dogs are SAABS registered and evaluated. It's important to me that the dogs I breed find worthy owners. I carefully consider who wants to buy a Boerboel and if they can provide what this breed needs. I am happy that our wonderful dogs live with us, and I take the trust of their breeders as an honor, striving to prove worthy of their decades of work. There's a saying that everyone chooses a dog similar to themselves, indicating similarities between owner and loyal companion. If this is true, I am proud to be anything like this magnificent breed.

In the photo (from left to right): Barnabás Szilágyi, Barnus Szilágyi.

In the photo (from left to right): Barnus Szilágyi, Barnabás Szilágyi, Barnabásné Szilágyi (Ancsa)

In the photo (from left to right): Barnabásné Szilágyi (Ancsa), Barnabás Szilágyi.
Grateful thanks
Heartfelt thanks to my son Barnus, without whom none of this would have been possible, just like nothing in my life, as he is the motivating meaning of my life in everything. I also thank my dear wife for her support and the selfless hard work she does for our dogs, standing by my side.
The La Boela family.
I owe them thanks for: La Boela Moscow, La Boela Daenerys, La Boela Daisy.

In the photo (from left to right): Riaan Ludeke, Chevelle Ludeke, Reece Ludeke, Chandre Breetzke-Ludeke.
Elevation stud
I owe them thanks for: Elevation Stud Ruby.

Adre Steenkamp
Karlien Greeff
I owe them thanks for: Afrika Billion

A képen: Karlien Greeff

Kevin Hazard Makaveli
Neki köszönhetem: KT Hibachi

A képen: Kevin Hazard Makaveli
MLrent Design
We gratefully thank MLrent Design company for the decal work on the dog transport vehicle.
Bocskai Állategészségügyi Centrum
A Samson Boerboels kennel elsődleges orvosi ellátását a Bocskai Állategészségügyi Centrum biztosítja. A kennel kutyáinak egészségügyi felügyelete és gondozása is az ő szakértelmükre támaszkodik.

Fanta György
Hálás köszönet Fanta György barátomnak. Ő végzi kutyáim inszeminációját, és gondoskodik hím kutyáim fagyasztott sperma tárolásáról is.

The dog transporter

Samson Boerboels

What do our dogs eat?
We chose Royal Canin feeds because the company works closely with breeders, veterinarians, and nutrition experts to develop feeds with the best possible composition. Royal Canin is committed to high-quality nutrients and guarantees the quality of its products, which is essential for me as a responsible breeder. Their products contain all 40 essential nutrients that our pets need, and their feeds are tailored to the lifestyle, life stage, or even special sensitivities of dogs.

Harangi Miklós
Thanks to my Tattoo Artist Friend, Miklós Harangi, for his perfect work.